“As in the Days if Noah” …A Return of the Nephilim?

I kind of skimmed the subject of the Nephilim in Strangers and Aliens, mostly because there was so much material to cover and I simply couldn’t expound upon every subject I touched. The Nephilim are mentioned in Genesis 6:1-8: 1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the…

No, Gary Bates, Secular Ufologists Don’t Believe In Demonic UFOs

Creation Ministries International is at it again. In an alleged response to an alleged letter, Gary Bates wrote a piece ultimately promoting his Alien Intrusion propaganda flick (based on his book), especially encouraging viewings in churches. Why? Because Fox News’ Tucker Carlson is giving a lot of attention a recent Congressional report on UFOs …and…

Jesus Was An Abductee! Chris Ward on Alien Abductions

The late Pastor Chris Ward (1948-2015) was one of the presenters of the First Christian Symposium on Aliens in July of 2009. The Symposium sparked a new wave of interest in the Demonic Hypothesis of UFO, resuscitated from charismatic deliverance ministry holdouts of the Satanic Panic. Prior to that in 1999, he founded AlienResistance.org with…

Climate Change, Aliens and Starting Points

In a post called, “Climate Change Killed the Aliens!“, Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis makes the following comments: “It seems extraterrestrial aliens make the news quite frequently (despite the fact that they don’t exist!). Every few weeks there’s a new study about why we supposedly haven’t found them, when we will find them, or…

Truman Bethurum and the Origin of the Demonic Theory of UFO – Part 3

The earliest full-fledged expression of the Demonic Hypothesis of UFO comes from a 37-page book written by Rev. Walter Vincent Grant, Sr. (1913-1983) called Men in the flying saucers identified: not a mystery! The book was published in late 1954 [the earliest advertisement I could find for the book was in the October 1954 edition…

Truman Bethurum and the Origin of the Demonic Theory of UFO – Part 1

I’ve been researching the roots of Christian Ufology lately. I’ve already written on initial Christian reactions to the advent of the flying saucer phenomenon and how the idea that UFOs were Biblically foretold harbingers of God’s judgment was further developed by charismatic and Pentecostal preachers affiliated with the Voice of Healing magazine. Ironically, it was (again)…

What Are We Really Looking For?

“What are we really looking for in stories of flying saucers and government cover-ups?” Luke Sharret asks in a July 7, 2017 op-ed for The New York Times entitled, “Roswell’s Mysteries Are Life’s Mysteries.” The short answer is just that: answers. “The longer one is in Roswell, the harder it becomes to avoid trying to…

Does an Alien Zombie Apocalypse Solve the Fermi Paradox?

It seems like the possibility of a Zombie Apocalypse gets just as much attention from the media as the UFO phenomenon. Shows like the Walking Dead and movies like World War Z have certainly made the concept more popular than it once was. I’m not immune. A copy of Max Brooks’ essential reference book, The…

LA Marzulli’s ‘Demon Fairy’ Revisited 

Once upon a time, Christian Ufologist and pastor LA Marzulli promoted one if his documentaries with a sensational “demon fairy.” It was a hoax, one that he claims he was taken in by. Frankly, I don’t buy it. Oh, it’s a hoax alright. I simply have reason to doubt he was ever truly taken in…

LA Marzulli Questions My Qualifications To Weigh In On the UFO Phenomenon 

Apparently LA Marzulli, author of the Nephilim Trilogy and the Watchers video series, does not think I’m qualified to weigh in on the UFO phenomenon.  I reached out to him after examining his reasoning so for promoting the idea of a “Coming Great Deception” in the form of fallen angels disguised as extraterrestrials. I was…

The Coming Great Deception? or The Exotheology Fictions of L.A. Marzulli

L.A. Marzulli is the author of the Nephilim Trilogy. In a post entitled, The Watchman Chronicles. UFOs Are Real!, he writes: UFOs are not going away and we have two choices in dealing with the ongoing phenomenon. The first is to ignore it and not discuss it all. This position abdicates the churches responsibility and allows…

Alien Fear Factor: Do Christians Have Anything to Fear From Hostile ETs? 

Recently Stephen Hawking has been in the news for saying that we should look for aliens and listen in on them, but avoid contact if we want to avoid extinction. His statement is part of an ongoing discussion over the advisability of METI (Messaging to Extraterrestrial Intelligence), also known as Active SETI, which refers to…