“As in the Days if Noah” …A Return of the Nephilim?

I kind of skimmed the subject of the Nephilim in Strangers and Aliens, mostly because there was so much material to cover and I simply couldn’t expound upon every subject I touched. The Nephilim are mentioned in Genesis 6:1-8: 1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the…

Are Cell Phones and Drones Foiling Satan’s Nefarious UFO Deception?

Christian UFO experts espousing the Demonic Hypothesis of UFO assure us that UFOs are a Satanic deception, yet, if this is the case, why are UFO reports in such a steep decline? The fact that they are statistically in decline is undeniable at this point. According to MUFON statistician David C. Korts: “There definitely has…

Does an Alien Zombie Apocalypse Solve the Fermi Paradox?

It seems like the possibility of a Zombie Apocalypse gets just as much attention from the media as the UFO phenomenon. Shows like the Walking Dead and movies like World War Z have certainly made the concept more popular than it once was. I’m not immune. A copy of Max Brooks’ essential reference book, The…

Aliens Won’t Eat Us & Other Evolutionary Assumptions About Extraterrestrials 

A new book of essays edited by Jim Al-Khalili aims to give insight on aliens, space exploration, transhumanism, robot overlords and a whole host of other related subjects to a public saturated with misinformation and misunderstanding resulting from sci-fi tropes. A recent Time.com article by Sarah Begley looked at 5 of the myths that Aliens: The World’s Leading…

We might never detect alien signals… Is this by God’s design?

In anticipation of his newest Alien franchise movie, director Ridley Scott has weighed in on whether he thinks extraterrestrial intelligence exists: “I believe in superior beings. I think it is certainly likely. “An expert I was talking to at NASA said to me ‘have you ever looked in the sky at night? You mean to tell me…

The Coming Great Deception? or The Exotheology Fictions of L.A. Marzulli

L.A. Marzulli is the author of the Nephilim Trilogy. In a post entitled, The Watchman Chronicles. UFOs Are Real!, he writes: UFOs are not going away and we have two choices in dealing with the ongoing phenomenon. The first is to ignore it and not discuss it all. This position abdicates the churches responsibility and allows…

Alien Fear Factor: Do Christians Have Anything to Fear From Hostile ETs? 

Recently Stephen Hawking has been in the news for saying that we should look for aliens and listen in on them, but avoid contact if we want to avoid extinction. His statement is part of an ongoing discussion over the advisability of METI (Messaging to Extraterrestrial Intelligence), also known as Active SETI, which refers to…