Aliens and the Earth-centric Focus of the Bible

During the March 21, 2022 episode of Answers News, Answers in Genesis’ Patricia Engler, Tim Chaffey, and Robb Webb made a few comments regarding Avi Loeb’s speculation on human-alien communication in Colleen Walsh’s article, “How to talk to extraterrestrials.” They didn’t take it seriously, of course. Nor did they answer the question of how humanity…

No, Gary Bates, Secular Ufologists Don’t Believe In Demonic UFOs

Creation Ministries International is at it again. In an alleged response to an alleged letter, Gary Bates wrote a piece ultimately promoting his Alien Intrusion propaganda flick (based on his book), especially encouraging viewings in churches. Why? Because Fox News’ Tucker Carlson is giving a lot of attention a recent Congressional report on UFOs …and…

Should we make a treaty with aliens?

Harvard tenured (astro)physicist Prof Abraham Loeb has published an article in Scientific American called, “How to Avoid a Cosmic Catastrophe,” in which he proposes a treaty with our closest extraterrestrial neighbors in the Milkdromeda neighborhood to protect us from articially created domain walls. That is a lot to unpack. Let’s start with what a domain wall is…

Goldilocks is Dead?

Recently, I read an article by Troy Lacey, a Correspondence Representative for Answers in Genesis, which declares “…the search for planets capable of being amenable to life are nonexistent. But even if a planet where all of the factors being favorable for life to exist were found, there is no guarantee that it would actually…

Harold L Armstrong’s Argument Against Corporal Living Beings Living Outside Earth

The June 1970 edition (Vol. 7 No. 1) of the Creation Research Society Quarterly stressed cosmology. One of journal’s contributors was Harold L. Armstrong (1921-1985). Armstrong was an early member of the Creation Research Society and a Professor of Physics at Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. He began the Quarterly’s first regular column, “Comments on…

McLean v Arkansas and the Demonic Hypothesis of UFO

I was reminded recently that the Demonic Hypothesis of UFO played a role during 1981’s McLean v Arkansas Board of Education court case when it was used by evolutionists to discredit Dr. Norman Geisler’s testimony. On March 1, 1982, fellow creationist Dr. Duane Gish wrote: “In an attempt to discredit Geisler’s testimony, the ACLU lawyer…

Are Cell Phones and Drones Foiling Satan’s Nefarious UFO Deception?

Christian UFO experts espousing the Demonic Hypothesis of UFO assure us that UFOs are a Satanic deception, yet, if this is the case, why are UFO reports in such a steep decline? The fact that they are statistically in decline is undeniable at this point. According to MUFON statistician David C. Korts: “There definitely has…

Isaac Watts, Extraterrestrials and Isaiah 45:18

Dr. Danny Faulkner has written a post in which he takes issue with the pro-extraterrestrial opinion of Isaac Watts, the “Godfather of English Hymnody.” In his lifetime, Watts composed around 750 hymns, including “Joy to the World,” “Alas! and Did My Saviour Bleed,” “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross,” and “I Sing The Mighty Power…