Does an Alien Zombie Apocalypse Solve the Fermi Paradox?

It seems like the possibility of a Zombie Apocalypse gets just as much attention from the media as the UFO phenomenon. Shows like the Walking Dead and movies like World War Z have certainly made the concept more popular than it once was. I’m not immune. A copy of Max Brooks’ essential reference book, The…

LA Marzulli’s ‘Demon Fairy’ Revisited 

Once upon a time, Christian Ufologist and pastor LA Marzulli promoted one if his documentaries with a sensational “demon fairy.” It was a hoax, one that he claims he was taken in by. Frankly, I don’t buy it. Oh, it’s a hoax alright. I simply have reason to doubt he was ever truly taken in…

Why the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis Dominates Ufology

Recently an article has been making rounds amongst Christian Ufologists which seeks to explain why the public thinks of space beings rather than ultraterrestrials when they think of the UFO phenomenon. The article, Alien Addiction: TV Shows and Why We Can’t Shake the ET Hypothesis by MJ Banias, claims that UFO documentaries, “along with various other forms…

What Vaccines and Alien Abductions Have in Common

What do vaccines and alleged alien abductions have in common? Aside from needles… Believe it or not, according to conspiracy theorists the thing that vaccines and alien abductions have in common is that both are named as probable causes for autism! In April 2017, Anthony Lawson, et al, published a study called “Pilot comparative study…

Aliens Won’t Eat Us & Other Evolutionary Assumptions About Extraterrestrials 

A new book of essays edited by Jim Al-Khalili aims to give insight on aliens, space exploration, transhumanism, robot overlords and a whole host of other related subjects to a public saturated with misinformation and misunderstanding resulting from sci-fi tropes. A recent article by Sarah Begley looked at 5 of the myths that Aliens: The World’s Leading…