Aliens and the Earth-centric Focus of the Bible

During the March 21, 2022 episode of Answers News, Answers in Genesis’ Patricia Engler, Tim Chaffey, and Robb Webb made a few comments regarding Avi Loeb’s speculation on human-alien communication in Colleen Walsh’s article, “How to talk to extraterrestrials.” They didn’t take it seriously, of course. Nor did they answer the question of how humanity…

No, Gary Bates, Secular Ufologists Don’t Believe In Demonic UFOs

Creation Ministries International is at it again. In an alleged response to an alleged letter, Gary Bates wrote a piece ultimately promoting his Alien Intrusion propaganda flick (based on his book), especially encouraging viewings in churches. Why? Because Fox News’ Tucker Carlson is giving a lot of attention a recent Congressional report on UFOs …and…

Goldilocks is Dead?

Recently, I read an article by Troy Lacey, a Correspondence Representative for Answers in Genesis, which declares “…the search for planets capable of being amenable to life are nonexistent. But even if a planet where all of the factors being favorable for life to exist were found, there is no guarantee that it would actually…

Half the World Believes Alien Life Exists

According to a study conducted by of 26,492 people from 24 countries, roughly half of the planet believes in the possibility of extratetrestrial life. The study found that: 61% of people believe that there is some form of life on other planets. 17% rule this out and only 22% say that they don’t know. 47%…

In Which Ken Ham Continues To Promote the Lie that Isaiah 45:18 Says ANYTHING About Aliens

Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis has recently “written” a post (with the help of the oft-times half-cocked “AiG’s research team”) called “Study: Mars “More Uninhabitable Than Previously Thought.” Apparently, a new study [“Perchlorates on Mars enhance the bacteriocidal effects of UV light.” Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 4662 (2017) doi:10.1038/s41598-017-04910-3] has concluded that Mars is currently more unsuitable…

Jesus Crucified on Countless Alien Worlds?

Dr. Danny Faulkner’s (Answers in Genesis) article “Is Belief in Alien Life Harmless?” made rounds again recently. I’ve already answered Dr. Faulkner’s article, detailing the logical and Scriptural errors it contains; however I wanted to comment on a peculiar misrepresentation of the views of former US President John Adams. I could note of course that it…

Alien Salvation: Answering A Cartoon Argument Against ETs

It sounds like an old joke: “Superman, Chewbacca and Spock walk into a bar…” Except in this case, it’s a cartoon strip by fellow creationist Dan Lietha, so no bar… and Superman’s reading the Bible. The animated strip ostensibly seeks to answer the question: “Is the Idea of Alien Life in Outer Space Biblical?” Fair…

CreationWiki Thinks Aliens Would Cause Believers to Abandon the Bible

“We can safely say however, that if alien spaceships in fact landed on Earth… the reality of alien interaction would be undeniable to all those who dwell on earth. At this point, we would expect all Bible believers to set their Bibles aside and never give God a second thought.” The preceding quote is from…

LA Marzulli Questions My Qualifications To Weigh In On the UFO Phenomenon 

Apparently LA Marzulli, author of the Nephilim Trilogy and the Watchers video series, does not think I’m qualified to weigh in on the UFO phenomenon.  I reached out to him after examining his reasoning so for promoting the idea of a “Coming Great Deception” in the form of fallen angels disguised as extraterrestrials. I was…

Wouldn’t God Have Mentioned Aliens If They Existed?

By far the most common argument against the possibility of extraterrestrial life is that the Bible doesn’t mention any.  This is an argument from silence, a logical fallacy. People make an argument from silence when they come to a conclusion that’s based on the absence of statements in historical documents, rather than on presence. The…