Aliens and the Earth-centric Focus of the Bible

During the March 21, 2022 episode of Answers News, Answers in Genesis’ Patricia Engler, Tim Chaffey, and Robb Webb made a few comments regarding Avi Loeb’s speculation on human-alien communication in Colleen Walsh’s article, “How to talk to extraterrestrials.” They didn’t take it seriously, of course. Nor did they answer the question of how humanity…

Climate Change, Aliens and Starting Points

In a post called, “Climate Change Killed the Aliens!“, Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis makes the following comments: “It seems extraterrestrial aliens make the news quite frequently (despite the fact that they don’t exist!). Every few weeks there’s a new study about why we supposedly haven’t found them, when we will find them, or…

The Fermi Paradox and SETI’s Dead Reckoning?

A new study attempting to refine or update the Drake Equation, a simplistic formula for calculating the number of detectable intelligent civilizations in our galaxy, has concluded that if we pick up alien radio transmissions, “the transmissions arriving at Earth may come from distant civilizations long extinct, while civilizations still alive are sending signals yet…

In Which Ken Ham Continues To Promote the Lie that Isaiah 45:18 Says ANYTHING About Aliens

Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis has recently “written” a post (with the help of the oft-times half-cocked “AiG’s research team”) called “Study: Mars “More Uninhabitable Than Previously Thought.” Apparently, a new study [“Perchlorates on Mars enhance the bacteriocidal effects of UV light.” Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 4662 (2017) doi:10.1038/s41598-017-04910-3] has concluded that Mars is currently more unsuitable…

Alien Salvation: Answering A Cartoon Argument Against ETs

It sounds like an old joke: “Superman, Chewbacca and Spock walk into a bar…” Except in this case, it’s a cartoon strip by fellow creationist Dan Lietha, so no bar… and Superman’s reading the Bible. The animated strip ostensibly seeks to answer the question: “Is the Idea of Alien Life in Outer Space Biblical?” Fair…

Is the Search for ET Rebellion Against God?

I was researching the history of modern creationists thought on exotheology recently, when I came across Ken Ham’s earliest article on the search for extraterrestrial life. The article, entitled Any Little Green Men Out There?, originally appeared in Creation 15, no 1 (December 1992): 14-16. In that article, Ken Ham wrote of the search for extraterrestrial…

Why Isaiah 45:18 Says Nothing About Aliens

It’s one of the most cited verses amongst those touting anti-alien dogma. Just a couple days ago during an Answers News segment with Ken Ham, Bodie Hodge quoted it to claim that aliens were impossible. So how does this verse allegedly make the possibility of extraterrestrial life impossible? Isaiah 45:18 reads: For thus saith the LORD that…