“As in the Days if Noah” …A Return of the Nephilim?

I kind of skimmed the subject of the Nephilim in Strangers and Aliens, mostly because there was so much material to cover and I simply couldn’t expound upon every subject I touched. The Nephilim are mentioned in Genesis 6:1-8: 1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the…

Jesus Was An Abductee! Chris Ward on Alien Abductions

The late Pastor Chris Ward (1948-2015) was one of the presenters of the First Christian Symposium on Aliens in July of 2009. The Symposium sparked a new wave of interest in the Demonic Hypothesis of UFO, resuscitated from charismatic deliverance ministry holdouts of the Satanic Panic. Prior to that in 1999, he founded AlienResistance.org with…

Are Cell Phones and Drones Foiling Satan’s Nefarious UFO Deception?

Christian UFO experts espousing the Demonic Hypothesis of UFO assure us that UFOs are a Satanic deception, yet, if this is the case, why are UFO reports in such a steep decline? The fact that they are statistically in decline is undeniable at this point. According to MUFON statistician David C. Korts: “There definitely has…

Truman Bethurum and the Origin of the Demonic Theory of UFO – Part 1

I’ve been researching the roots of Christian Ufology lately. I’ve already written on initial Christian reactions to the advent of the flying saucer phenomenon and how the idea that UFOs were Biblically foretold harbingers of God’s judgment was further developed by charismatic and Pentecostal preachers affiliated with the Voice of Healing magazine. Ironically, it was (again)…

LA Marzulli Questions My Qualifications To Weigh In On the UFO Phenomenon 

Apparently LA Marzulli, author of the Nephilim Trilogy and the Watchers video series, does not think I’m qualified to weigh in on the UFO phenomenon.  I reached out to him after examining his reasoning so for promoting the idea of a “Coming Great Deception” in the form of fallen angels disguised as extraterrestrials. I was…