Aliens and the Earth-centric Focus of the Bible

During the March 21, 2022 episode of Answers News, Answers in Genesis’ Patricia Engler, Tim Chaffey, and Robb Webb made a few comments regarding Avi Loeb’s speculation on human-alien communication in Colleen Walsh’s article, “How to talk to extraterrestrials.” They didn’t take it seriously, of course. Nor did they answer the question of how humanity…

Goldilocks is Dead?

Recently, I read an article by Troy Lacey, a Correspondence Representative for Answers in Genesis, which declares “…the search for planets capable of being amenable to life are nonexistent. But even if a planet where all of the factors being favorable for life to exist were found, there is no guarantee that it would actually…

Climate Change, Aliens and Starting Points

In a post called, “Climate Change Killed the Aliens!“, Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis makes the following comments: “It seems extraterrestrial aliens make the news quite frequently (despite the fact that they don’t exist!). Every few weeks there’s a new study about why we supposedly haven’t found them, when we will find them, or…

Dissolving the Fermi Paradox? Guess Again

A new study by Anders Sandberg, Eric Drexler and Toby Ord at the Future of Humanity Institute (Oxford) suggests that we are probably alone in the observable universe. The study, entitled “Dissolving the Fermi Paradox,” was published on June 6 on Arxiv, a server for sharing science papers that have yet to be peer-reviewed. That…

The Fermi Paradox and SETI’s Dead Reckoning?

A new study attempting to refine or update the Drake Equation, a simplistic formula for calculating the number of detectable intelligent civilizations in our galaxy, has concluded that if we pick up alien radio transmissions, “the transmissions arriving at Earth may come from distant civilizations long extinct, while civilizations still alive are sending signals yet…

Is a Rare Earth a Powerful Test of the Creation/Evolution Models of Origins?

Dr. Danny Faulkner has received criticism on this site for proposing that an absence of extraterrestrial life is a powerful test of the creation model of origins against the evolution model. He expresses this belief most clearly in an article entitled, “Can Life Exist on Other Planets?” published in the October 2009 issue of the…

Famous Creation Scientists Who Believed in Aliens

“Tony Breeden, we know about your lone wolf views on aliens. Go and troll somewhere else.” This comment was fired at me by an admin on the Alien Intrusion movie’s Facebook page and rather quickly deleted thereafter (Yes, I have a screenshot), but I wanted to comment on that whole “lone wolf” notion. I believe…

Jesus Crucified on Countless Alien Worlds?

Dr. Danny Faulkner’s (Answers in Genesis) article “Is Belief in Alien Life Harmless?” made rounds again recently. I’ve already answered Dr. Faulkner’s article, detailing the logical and Scriptural errors it contains; however I wanted to comment on a peculiar misrepresentation of the views of former US President John Adams. I could note of course that it…

Alien Salvation: Answering A Cartoon Argument Against ETs

It sounds like an old joke: “Superman, Chewbacca and Spock walk into a bar…” Except in this case, it’s a cartoon strip by fellow creationist Dan Lietha, so no bar… and Superman’s reading the Bible. The animated strip ostensibly seeks to answer the question: “Is the Idea of Alien Life in Outer Space Biblical?” Fair…